What doorbell?

There’s a doorbell? 

I never noticed.

I’m a knock-as-I-open,

a holler-as-I-enter,

a step-inside-slip-off-my-shoes

kind of friend.

You’re a here-is-the-blanket,



my best kind of friend.

Our friendship

is a favorite hoodie.

You know the one:

Black, with the old logo,

perfect for hiding stains

and keeping me warm. 

There’s a doorbell?

I never noticed.

A friendship like ours

has no cause for alarm.


  1. I am not anonymous! This is Ann de Jong, I have many fond memories of you, you are living such an adventurous live making tons of friends, what joy!

  2. This was a heart warming poem. I relate to it well.

  3. Beautiful! I love poems and even more so when written by a friend! I especially love the last stanza, as I often feel alarmed when I hear a doorbell....so grateful our paths crossed in Mexico! Rachel Grover


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