Sleeping is my Super Power

My grandma had narcolepsy. And my mom does. And at least one of my uncles does.

I never thought that I would. I'm just really good at sleeping. I like to joke about how it is my super power. I have lots of funny stories about times I've fallen asleep when I shouldn't have. I may have told you some of them before! Hilarious.

Times like when I'm driving. Or singing. Or reading. Or listening to a conversation. Or sitting in a waiting room. Or riding in an Uber.

And I keep bottles of caffeine pills in my purse. And my glove box. And my husband's glove box. Just in case. You know, like everyone does.

And my daughter routinely has the job of pinching me when I start nodding off at the wheel. Many teenagers have this job, I'm sure.

It's really normal to fall asleep in public spaces. And safe. Nothing ever happens to you. I bet you did that just last week.

If I asked, I bet I'd find out that no one I know uses cruise control just like I don't, because they also find it very risky. Remember that accident in 2012? Yikes.

And it never hurts any friend's feelings if you can't follow the important things she's telling you because you're using all of your energy to stay awake.

Many people prefer to stand in the back of rooms instead of sitting, because moving helps. And it's normal to take notes of everything said, because you probably won't remember it later, and note taking helps us all stay alert. Really. Many people do.

Probably like at least half of the people in this world can fall asleep almost as soon as their heads hit the pillow. And think their dreams are real. And get stuck in nightmares. And see things out of the corners of their eyes.

What, me? I'm just exhausted because I take church classes before high school and then play sports and have clubs after school and then stay up late finishing my homework.

Oh, no worries. I'm just taking lots of extra credit hours to graduate college faster, and I don't always go to bed when I should.

Ugh. Mommy zombie. I'm just tired because I had four babies in six years, so that's a long time of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and caretaking of small humans.

Yeah, confession: I've been depressed, and there is a lot going on with my kids, and that makes people tired. And sometimes I binge watch dramas later than I should.

Definitely fatigued these days because I never say no and I keep volunteering for more things. Go, go, go—that's me! Maybe I should take a break.

So, I'll quit some volunteering responsibilities. I'll start saying no. I'll go to bed earlier. I'll exercise.

Why do I fall asleep all the time?

Oh, my sister had the courage to test, and she has narcolepsy.

Wow, that's a lot of narcolepsy in my family.

Good thing I don't have it though. 

Wow. I got tested. And I have narcolepsy, too.

I . . . lied to myself for decades. 

I'm sorry, Mimi. I love you. We'll figure this out.


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