Jill Trying to Sleep

Here my sweet, sweet Jill is trying to sleep, and her daddy is trying to get her to make faces (I think). He's definitely poking her and playing with her feet, so I can only assume he's trying to get a response out of her. ;)


  1. This video just makes me miss her more! I think she already looks bigger from the last time I saw her. How did the two week check up go?! She looks like she is putting on weight well... LOVE those chubby little cheeks!

    miss you guys!

  2. That's funny! I like her sweet blonde hairs on the edge of her forehead!

  3. Mimi, In answer to your question about breastfeeding: yes it does get a lot better after two or three weeks. I remember, though, until then I had to count to 40 or 50 every time she latched on because it hurt so much. But then I healed, she got better at latching on, and it was a breeze after that. Hope that helps! Hang in there. It will get better.

  4. Reading Annicka's comment above, Lansinoh brand lanolin also helps. A LOT!!!

    You can come by anytime. Right now we're going to walk over to Honks, but will probably be outside most of the rest of the afternoon. Or inside. Eh, we'll be here. We're almost always here during the day.

  5. That video is totally funny and cute! Of course the dads always have to try to wake them up when you just got them to sleep. j/k.

    I was just reading the comments above, and like Annika said, it does get much better as far as pain go and I LOVED Lasinoh or whatever it's called. It was a life saver.

    P.S. Can you tell Annika to add me so that I can finally read her blog. I don't have her email anymore and can't email her. Thanks a ton!

  6. She is a sweetie! As far as breastfeeding, it hurt. A lot! And for about 6 weeks. Lansolin cream helped, and by about 6 weeks his mouth was big enough that it didn't hurt as much any more. Good luck!

  7. She's so adorable!! Can't wait to meet her!

  8. Awww, she's so sweet sleeping.


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