Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's Day, a day when I especially celebrate the love I have for Jeff. A holiday with a few rumored pasts, and I am not sure which one is true (where Valentine's Day came from). One tells of a Catholic priest many, many years ago who secretly defied the government. The leader of the nation had learned that the single men who fought in his army were more dedicated and ruthless and les distracted than the married men, so he banned marriage for his soldiers. The Catholic priest, knowing that marriage was ordained of God, married many soldiers and their loves in secret defiance.

I like that story. Whether there really was a priest named Valentine who did that, I do not know.

It seems that through the years marriage has had little tiffs and battles. Now marriage, and the traditional family, is fighting an all out war.

I encourage all of you to read the article below and sign the official petition by clicking the link.

Whether you do or don't, Happy Valentine's Day. God loves you.

February 12, 2009

Breakdown of the Family Called a “Triumph”

Well, finally a UN official has admitted it.

Arie Hoekman, representing the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) at an event in Mexico City, declared without mincing words that the breakdown of the traditional family is a “triumph” for “human rights.”

As a leader of UNFPA, a UN agency that receives millions of dollars annually to promote “family planning,” Mr. Hoekman’s words indicated that their underlying goal just may be to “plan” the traditional family out of existence.

UNFPA has been successfully working toward achieving that goal, as many countries (thanks to UNFPA’s effective programs) are not producing enough babies to replace or support their aging populations.

Mr. Hoekman went on to say that high rates of divorce and out-of-wedlock births are not a social crisis, rather they represent a “triumph” of “human rights” against “patriarchy.”

These comments employ a definition of “human rights” that is foreign to me and to most of the families around the world and which directly contradicts the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states, “The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.”

We are entering into a new era where many claim that “human rights” are supposed to include the right to abortion, the right to sex whenever, however, and with whomever, and government is to pay for the consequences. And now this? That the family is an impediment to human rights?

Remember that Arie Hoekman represents the very agency that President Obama wants to give millions of U.S. tax-payer dollars, largely collected from the very group this UNFPA official denounced—working families.

This time the UN has gone too far.

We have people from over 80 countries who receive this newsletter. Let’s show the UN that people from all around the world are incensed that a leader in a UN agency is publicly denigrating the family.

Please join us by clicking here to add your name to the list of people from around the world in support of our letter, denouncing the statements made by Arie Hoekman. The letter will also call for an audit of the United Nations Population Fund that would include an assessment of how their programs impact families around the world.

We will send this letter to all 192 UN member states, which, at a minimum, will make them aware of these outrageous statements, if they are not already, and which could initiate some action on the part of pro-family governments to clean up UNFPA.

Click here to add your name in support of this letter. We need thousands of people from people around the world in order for it to have an impact so please pass this alert on to everyone you know and ask them to stand for the family.

Sharon Slater
Sharon Slater
