Some of you received a version of this in the mail (or maybe none of you have—I have no idea how long it takes for mail from me to get to you), and many of you didn't, because mail is expensive. I'm sorry. I wish I could mail it to everyone! But here it is for all.
When I last wrote in 2016, we were finishing up our wonderful two years in Mexico; spending a week in Orlando, Florida, with Jeff's family exploring DisneyWorld and Universal Studios; celebrating Christmas in Lincoln, Nebraska, with Mimi's sister's family; and enjoying a winter wonderland week with Mimi's family in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin.
After ringing in the New Year, we set off to Arlington, Virginia, to create a home for ourselves while Jeff spent six months studying French. And make a home we did.
We were placed in an apartment and truly fell in love with the area. Jeff was able to walk to the Foreign Service Institute; the kids were able to walk to school and five different playgrounds; and Mimi was able to walk to the library. There was a lot of walking to be done!
As so many good things do, our time there came to an end, and we spent the next two months being homeless and visiting our past homes. Three weeks were spent near Cincinnati, Ohio, and almost all the Colletts were able to gather for another visit and a fun-filled day in Kings' Island. Mimi went off to Jakarta, Indonesia, with her siblings to spend ten days meeting her sister-in-law Alia and participating in her brother Peter's wedding while Jeff and the kids stayed with Jeff's parents.
Two weeks were spent near Detroit, Michigan, where camping, boating, fishing, eating berries off the vine, and lots of swimming were enjoyed. Mimi and Jeff were able to take off to Canada for a few days while the children stayed with Mimi's parents.
A week was spent in Branson, Missouri, with almost all of the Bolings. Time was spent with dear friends and family in Indiana as well. And then suddenly, summer was over, and it was time to embark upon our next adventure.
Thank you to all of you who welcomed us into your homes and lives.
We arrived in Libreville, Gabon, Africa, in the middle of August and have done our best to settle into life here. Jeff's French is quite good, and Mimi is able to communicate simply. The kids are picking up words here and there. We love living near a beach and swimming pool. So far we haven't gotten tired of the weather being summer all year long.
Gordon turned two this year, but he's pretty sure he's five. He's well on his way to conquering the potty, and he's suddenly talking up a storm. He loves to buckle his own five-point harness, put on his own shoes, pour his own drinks, and make his mom kind of wish he would just slow down.
Alice turned four this year, continued her speech therapy, and learned how to write her name. She has taken a break from "official" preschool to stay home with mommy. She enjoyed a gymnastics class in Virginia and here in Gabon likes walking on the beach and collecting shells. She's really into play dough and dolls currently.
Daniel turned six this year, graduated from speech therapy, learned how to fish, and learned how to read! He'd also say that he learned how to "talk math." He participated in Lion Scouts and soccer in Virginia. In Gabon, he's also taking swimming classes and learning how to play local instruments. He especially likes his new drum.
Jill turned eight this year, also learned how to fish, and was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints while we were in Virginia. She also participated in Brownie Scouts and soccer. Now in Gabon, she's busy getting better at swimming and learning local dances and songs. She continues to love art and is starting to get into baking.
Mimi turned thirty-two this year and loved getting to play basketball and soccer weekly in Virginia, as well as coach a kindergarten soccer team. In Gabon, she is the nursery leader at church and is studying French, along with getting used to grocery trips that require going to four stores. She's found a new soccer team here and ran the 5K in the Gabon Marathon.
Jeff turned thirty-five this year and enjoyed learning French and gaining access to so many more cultures. He got to play weekly tennis and basketball while in Virginia. In Gabon, he is the Elder's Quorum teacher and very busy getting his facilities department at the Embassy in order. He misses being in a good time zone for watching American sports. When his teams don't do well, it makes one question whether the sleep deprivation is worth it.
Marshmallow and Roasty have somehow joined our family. We're cat owners now. The kids are thrilled. The parents are not looking forward to figuring out how to transport pets internationally.
And here is the 2017 photo dump. It was quite the year of transition, but truly a wonderful year.
Virginia/Washington DC/Maryland
Beautiful cherry blossoms in our nation's capital
Watching the Nationals play on Scouting Day
The pictures for our visa applications for Gabon
Walking to school every day
White House Tour
Summer Vacation/Home Leave
Fourth of July in Cincinnati
Saying goodbye to Mama before she goes to Indonesia for ten days
Uncle Peter's wedding
Family Reunion in Branson, Missouri

Off we go to the airport to fly to Gabon!
Libreville, Gabon, Africa
We moved into our new house and discovered there were kittens living in the bushes.
Our first jungle walk
For better or worse, the kittens are part of the family now.
Happy Halloween!
Looking fancy for the Marine Ball
Embassy Christmas Party
The men had matching pants. They were not interested in matching us that much. (Ha)
Merry Christmas!
I love your letters. Thank you for sharing your amazing life with us.
ReplyDeleteNienajadly Family
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your family letter! What a year of changes for your family! I'm happy that you are all smiling wherever you are. I hope you continue to love your time in Africa! You're amazing! —Janice R.
Amazing how you manage to keep track of everything on everyone —Alia
ReplyDeleteI love your letters. Thank you for sharing your amazing life with us.
ReplyDeleteNienajadly Family