Jeff and I have lived in our current apartment for almost our entire marriage (minus the first four months). While we've lived here, we have been blessed with some absolutely amazing neighbors. I don't know if we'll ever be this lucky again. Sadly and joyfully, our time in college town Provo is up, and we are moving on. Some of our neighbors are as well, some already have, and some we are leaving behind to bless the lives of the new people who move into our apartment. (Cross your fingers that someone will buy our contract!)

Not pictured, but awesome nonetheless, are the Dittmans, Braniffs, Richards, Bennetts, and Evanses. See? We really have been super lucky!
Thanks for the pictures, Brooke!
The Nays

The Bellows

Not pictured, but awesome nonetheless, are the Dittmans, Braniffs, Richards, Bennetts, and Evanses. See? We really have been super lucky!
Thanks for the pictures, Brooke!
We were so lucky to be YOUR neighbors! It really was a special time in our lives. I don't see us getting that lucky ever again. Unless one of us decides to move to the other side of the country ;) The nice thing is we can talk on the phone or video chat or facebook or blog or even visit each other! Thank goodness for modern technology!