(If you don't know, these books follow the storyline of fictional characters who interact with Jesus and other real people written about in the Gospels.)

So, I've had Christ's life and ministry on my mind. Then I read my online scriptures, and my completed reading quote is this:
"So as I conceive it, we must stand adamant for the doctrine of the atonement of Jesus the Christ, for the divinity of his conception, for his sinless life, and for, shall I say, the divinity of his death, his voluntary surrender of life. He was not killed, he gave up his life. It is our mission, perhaps the most fundamental purpose of our work, to bear constant testimony of Jesus the Christ. We must never permit to enter into our thoughts and certainly not into our teachings, the idea that he was merely a great teacher, a great philosopher, the builder of a great system of ethics. It is our duty, day after day, year in and year out, always to declare that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ who brought redemption to the world and to all the inhabitants thereof."
—Clark, in Conference Report, Oct. 1955, 23
How incredibly applicable for what I am currently thinking about!

He loves me, and He loves you, and there is room in His gospel for all of God's children.
I agree, I read those books over the summer (I had nothing else to do while I would nurse!) and I really enjoyed them.
ReplyDeleteThat is a really cool quote from President Clark. I'm reading The Screwtape Letters right now and Screwtape (a devil) talks about getting people to believe in "historical Jesus" to take the focus off His real mission. I was just reading that last night and it goes perfectly with that quote--I love coincidences like that.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your beautiful testimony! I just hope I didn't inspire you to write it because of my dream last night... just kidding.
ReplyDeleteBut seriously, I feel better now. :)