Mom, Dad, and I made the drive up to their home in Waterford, Michigan, Monday afternoon/evening. We made sure that no pipes were broken, the cats were still alive, and the plants were adequately watered. ;) Haha. This brings me to remembrance of my favorite physical Christmas present. Well, I don't know if it is my favorite favorite, but I got the David Archuleta CD from Pete and Mindee. I listened to it the entire drive from Richmond to Muncie, Muncie to Richmond, part of the drive from Richmond to Detroit, the entire drive from Detroit to Cincinnati, Cincinnati to Richmond, and Richmond to Indianapolis. Obviously, I like it a lot. He has such a beautiful, smooth, mellifluous voice that it never gets annoying or grating. The songs are varied enough that it never gets boring. At least it hasn't yet! ;)

While in Waterford, I got to see my Uncle Geoff and my cousin Alison, along with her husband, Shane and son, Brennan. This was my first meeting with Brennan, and I had been warned that he has recently become very shy with strangers. Hehe. Maybe he could sense the baby in my belly or motherness about me, because from the start he was definitely leaning toward me in longing haha (While You Were Sleeping, anyone?). Once I finally got him, he became shy, but he quickly got over that! ;)
Here is my dad and his big brother, Geoff, who claims that my husband, Jeff, spells his name wrong. Of course, neither of them had much choice in the spelling, as that was all up to their parents. So much to blame/credit to parents!
So, this is Mandy. I found her while I lived in Brazil; she was starving in a Wal-mart parking garage, and we scooped her up, put her in the trunk (she had poop and throw up on her), and took her to the vet. They got her all healthy again, and she's been mine ever since. That was in 1994, so she is getting older, but she's still a spry kitty! She's mellowed out through the years and has recently become very used to being the queen of the house now that my mom treats her like an only child. Haha. Poor Bubbles (the other cat at home). Mandy remembered me though! She slept with me all night. I miss my cat. She's been with me through a lot of tears and laughs. She used to follow me when I would sing around the house, and she would always climb onto my lap when I was crying. She's the perfect cat. She only poops and pees in the litter box, and she never throws up in the house. She doesn't bring wild animals home, and she is sensitive to your moods. I don't know if I'll ever find a cat like her again.

You forgot to mention that she is a little crazy... but that's probably our fault.