So, we made it! We almost missed our flight before it even started, because our flights had changed. I thought about looking online, but then I didn't, and since my company purchased the plane tickets, Delta called a phone number that was not mine to warn me of the flight change, so our luggage couldn't be checked, and I had to sacrifice my hair spray and other liquids as I put my luggage through security that I had planned on checking. We were being paged as we speed walked through the airport. Good thing Salt Lake has a relatively small airport!
This is right after lunch on the lido deck. Behind us you can see Port Canaveral, Florida.
I never actually got in the swimming pool or used the slide, but I thought it was pretty cool, so I took a picture of it. :)
This was our room. It's the biggest window we've ever had in a room! We had a small porthole on our first cruise and no window on our second, so I was pretty excited about this window!
Here we are in the dining room at the end of our first day on the boat. The food was great!
The famous towel animals. I think it's a mama walrus and a baby walrus, but it's up for debate. :)
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