With the autumn, inevitably comes football as well. I don't really mind it, but it does take up a lot of our time. :) The football season opened for BYU this Saturday versus Northern Iowa. It was a good game and a pretty good crowd. We made quite a few dumb mistakes, but we still won, and I am sure Coach Mendenhall will take the time in practice to eliminate those mistakes as much as possible. Hall threw for over 400 yards, so that's pretty cool. One of our receivers ran a lot of yards too, but I can't remember his name. :) Jeff would know.
It was really hot, so not as pleasant as it could have been, but not too bad. :) A cloud finally blocked the sun, and that was very helpful. We came with Jason and Amy (Jeff's brother and our sister-in-law) and Chris Rice and his cousin. (Candela had to work.) Jason and Amy printed their tickets off as HTML instead of PDF, so the bar code didn't make it, and they had to walk all the way up to campus and print their tickets off again. Bummer.
It was a fun game though, and I'm looking forward to the season. Great things could come to pass!
It was really hot, so not as pleasant as it could have been, but not too bad. :) A cloud finally blocked the sun, and that was very helpful. We came with Jason and Amy (Jeff's brother and our sister-in-law) and Chris Rice and his cousin. (Candela had to work.) Jason and Amy printed their tickets off as HTML instead of PDF, so the bar code didn't make it, and they had to walk all the way up to campus and print their tickets off again. Bummer.
It was a fun game though, and I'm looking forward to the season. Great things could come to pass!

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