He led me on a scavenger hunt with clues to significant places in our relationship. Each clue was a letter where he talked about each month in our relationship and how we've grown together. I didn't get it until the last paragraph of the last letter that he was going to propose. I thought he was doing it for our anniversary (four months). I also didn't quite get that it was a scavenger hunt. I was wearing flip flops, and I didn't have a coat on. :)
The scavenger hunt ended at the top of the bell tower. It had a great view of the sunset, which was pink and orange, which will be our wedding colors. :)
I hugged him and wouldn't let go. He finally was able to unattach me, and he knelt down and asked me to marry him. I said yes and pulled him up, so I could hug him. Well, I also called him an idiot, but I never have reacted well to surprises. :)
Michelle Collett
It's so pretty! I can't wait. :)
It's so pretty! I can't wait. :)
The ring is perfect by the way. It is exactly like I wanted, and the sapphires are a perfect light blue. :)
I am looking forward to sharing my day with Jeffrey as man and wife. I will try and be so wonderful for him. And I get to have kids someday! I cannot wait to be a mom!
The only shadow on everything is that my parents don't want me to marry him, and none of my older siblings are married yet.
I am looking forward to sharing my day with Jeffrey as man and wife. I will try and be so wonderful for him. And I get to have kids someday! I cannot wait to be a mom!
The only shadow on everything is that my parents don't want me to marry him, and none of my older siblings are married yet.
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